Saturday, December 5, 2020

The truth behind COVID-19 guidelines




  Early on, the CDC was the recognized expert on the coronavirus, its edicts revered like tablets from Mount Sinai  When the CDC recently revised its guidelines to suggest that not all asymptomatic individuals who have had close contact with covid-positive people should be tested, backlash was swift. A Legitimately scary from the CDC was an update to their Covid-19 guidance that stated airborne particles can remain in the air, be breathed in by others and travel beyond six feet. But then on Monday, the CDC removed that addendum, saying it was a draft version that was posted in error.  Studies have shown no evidence that wearing a face mask significantly minimizes people’s risk of contracting COVID-19.


     Extreme quarantine plus frequent testing and isolation did nothing to stop the virus. Lockdowns do not manage the disease. They crush human liberty and produce astonishing costs.  The lockdowners keep telling us to pay attention to the science. That’s what we are doing. When the results contradict their pro-compulsion narrative, they pretend that the studies do not exist and barrel ahead with their scary plans to disable all social functioning in the presence of a virus. Lockdowns are not science. They never have been. They are an experiment in social/political top-down management that is without precedent in cost to life and liberty.


     The COVID-19 rules are beyond silly nationwide.  Fast food workers are masked, but work in small closet sized rooms.  While gloved they touch all the food and items, plus each other.  They put your bag of food in a try, after they already touched it.  At a grocery store the employee that stocked the items touched them and so does the chaser.  Plus it sits on a shelf where often hundreds of people walk by it, and often touch it too.  Many stores, with several checkout lanes crammed into a small area, don't even seem to be trying to keep people six feet away from each other.  And so on.  


     So why do they do it?  Well, the easy answer is control, as it always is for people in power.   The hard answer is a bit more complex.

     Some simple, honest, cold, hard truth :  Nothing, NOTHING that they tell you to do will have any effect on the COVID-19 virus other then just SLOWING IT DOWN A BIT.  That is it.  That is all any politician is trying to get out of all the rules, laws and guidelines.  All they want to do is slow the virus down so that it does not overwhelm America's broken health care system.  Slow down the spread of the virus: that's it.  Each hospital or such place can only handle so may patients at one time.  Not just the pure physical lack of room space, but also from the lack of machines, machines and doctors.  Pats a certain, set number, any full hospital would have to turn sick people away.  For example: If a hospital has 25 respirators in use, then the 26th person who needs one, won't get one.  This would already be a horror close to beyond imagination.  Sick, dying people just left in the streets and given no help from a hospital that has been zeroed out.  This could very quickly spread to the whole healthcare system nationwide.  Untold numbers of people that need help, but won't get it as there is no more help to give.

     And that is not even the worst of it.

     The huge dark secret is simply: class warfare.  If COVID 19 cases got to a point where they overwhelmed our healthcare system: you would see class warfare start from the top up.  All the politicians, bossiness leaders,  socialites, influences, and just the rich in general: WILL GET TREATED FIRST.  A normal member of the public and a city mayor come at the same time, you can be sure the mayor will get special treatment.  Ten normal citizens show up and will get turned away, but the child of a politician gets a red carpet right inside.  And the worst horror might be that they will do things like unplug a normal housewife on a ventilator, just to hook up the wife of a politician instead.  People would die in the streets while the rich were cared for and safe.

     This alone could trigger massive riots and worse.  A person laying in a street watching their family die while the rich just walk right inside to get the best medical care possible would bring even the most docile person into a blind rage.  

      The total breakdown of society is very close by after that.  Thousands of cops, security and maybe even the military would be called in to keep the hospitals safe for the rich and keep all the other people out.  Sadly, there are millions of cops and security guards that would blindly follow such orders.  When a rich old politician tells a cop to stand guard at a hospital so their family is safe, far too many cops would do that with an unfettered zeal.  They would stand guard out side the hospital and even use deadly force to keep the rich people inside safe.  Until the virus started to take it's toll on the cops too. The final straw would come  for even the most die hard cop that was protecting the rich, when one of their own family members showed up sick at the hospital.  Of course, the family member of a cop is not on the rich only scale.  So they won't be let in.  Few, if any, cops would be able to stand there and watch a loved one die; while the rich fat cats inside the hospital got all the health care.  And that is when they would finally turn on them.  And the rioting mob would over run the hospital....and soon the country.




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