Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Democrats care more about helping illegal aliens than Americans

     What explains the Democratic romance with illegal aliens?  There is no clearer and more shameful example of betrayal in modern American politics than Big City Democrats who support foreigners over their own citizens.  Democrat lawmakers care more about illegal aliens than they care about their own constituents.  The phenomena is very real — the poor, mostly black residents of many urban neighborhoods have been forced to put up with levels of violence and squalor that would turn the stomachs of white, liberal suburbanites. Instead of facing that reality and demanding change, those left wing suburbanites just ignore it.  The irony of today’s Democrats is that they espouse values claiming to care for minority communities, but in reality the low-income communities they represent are mostly populated by minorities who have had their economic interests betrayed at every turn by the Democratic Party’s dedication to fighting for open border policies.


      The open borders rhetoric coming from the Democratic Party today fails to represent the economic interests of black Americans. It is a reflection of mostly white, bleeding heart liberal priorities — bolstered by corporate America’s desire for cheaper labor — and it has co-opted the voices of black Americans, whose votes the Democratic Party takes for granted.


      Asked if an illegal immigrant in the interior of the country who hasn’t committed another crime should be deported, Joe Biden replied that such a person “should not be the focus of deportation.” Kamala Harris said he “absolutely” should not be deported.  This is a promise to gut interior enforcement that, coupled with the latitudinarian attitude at the border, would be a huge step toward open borders.



     Illegal immigration is a hugely divisive issue for Democrats. Here are some different groups -

     1.) Union Democrats - These are mostly white middle aged male blue-collar worker types from the east coast who DEFINITELY disapprove of illegal immigration. They vote Democrat because their dad did and they view themselves as workers and not management, but they hate the concept of illegal aliens stealing their jobs just as much as any Trump supporter.

     2.) "Victims Are Great"/"Guilt Porn" far-left Democrats (Social Justice Warriors) - A small but growing segment of the democratic party who defines everything in terms of racial and social identity, and views victim hood as the ultimate "good". Meaning being in a position of poverty or disenfranchisement automatically makes you right in their eyes. Mexicans are viewed as being "nonwhite" by them (even though many Mexicans are clearly white), being white is viewed as a negative by them. So, illegal immigrants are all precious little victims who deserve to be treated like royalty in their mind, because, you know, white privilege something something. The simple fact that illegal immigrants are poor and desperate makes them good people in the eyes of this group, any evils they do can be explained as being the fault of rich white people somehow. This group always finds a way to make it a rich white guy's fault. We should all be giving up our homes and positions to people who fit the victim profile. They probably disapprove of the US being a country in the first place and would rather the world was a border less love fest.

     3.) Intellectual Democrats - you won't get a straight answer on illegal immigration from this group of scientists, professors, and business people. These are the Democrats who are in a position with something to lose - coming across as racist or afraid of immigrants makes them look bad, and they know it. Often, they are the ones who lose their jobs when the SJW crowd gets up in arms about something. So, you're likely to hear something like "undocumented immigrants are a complex issue" when they open their mouths, with no indication as to what their opinion actually is. You would think they are running for office with the way they avoid the question.

     4.) Average Joe Democrats - These guys are the ones who turn up for presidential elections but wouldn't be caught dead voting in any other election. They largely don't even view themselves as Democrats, rather they simple vote for Democratic candidates every 4 years. They generally don't have opinions on undocumented immigration. They'll say stuff like "well obviously its bad that people come into the country illegally, but i don't know, aren't they taking the jobs Americans don't want anyway?" 


      But there is a more sinister long-term answer for the Democrats’ whole-hearted embrace of illegal immigration.  A 2018 Center for American Progress (CAP) Action Fund memo sheds light on this. The memo, co-authored by former Hillary Clinton communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, argues that the Democratic Party needs to protect illegal immigrants brought here at a young age as a result of President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program because they are “a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.'' This is an astonishing statement. With declining support from white and older Americans, the Democrats have concluded that their future lies in importing a new electorate from south of the border.  So it is full speed ahead on illegal immigration for the Democrats, and they don’t want Republicans gumming up the works even if their name is not Donald Trump. They will claim their position is rooted in compassion and in upholding American values when in fact it is primarily about naked politics and importing a new set of voters, as their ideas become increasingly too far-fetched for the citizens who currently reside legally within America’s borders.


      Anyone who supports illegal aliens and opposes law enforcement’s efforts to protect communities from criminals should be shown no quarter – not in the media, not in the courtroom and not in our political campaigns.

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