Sunday, December 6, 2020

Rep. Ilhan Omar's campaign paid her husband's firm nearly 3M



     Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., has paid nearly $2.8 million to her husband's political consulting firm so far in the 2019-2020 election cycle, including nearly 70% of her third-quarter disbursements.  Federal Election Commission data shows that Omar's campaign sent $1.6 million to E Street Group LLC, which is owned by her husband Tim Mynett, from the start of 2019 through Jul. 22, 2020. After that, she reported an additional $1.1 million in the third quarter and $27,000 in the following weeks. That $1.1 million constituted nearly 70% of the $1.6 million that Omar's campaign spent that quarter.  The expenses covered a range of services, including cable advertising, "digital consulting," video production and editing.



     The marriage is Omar's third. After wedding Hirsi in 2002, she then married Ahmed Elmi in a civil ceremony in 2009.  The pair split in 2011 and officially divorced in 2017, when she remarried Hirsi.  There is speculation that Elmi is actually Omar's brother, and that the marriage was part of an immigration scam that saw him gain funding to attend North Dakota State University. The issue is currently being probed by the FBI.


      The payments are possible because of a 1960s federal anti-nepotism statute that prohibits members of Congress from hiring relatives for government jobs but does not block family members from doing campaign work.  According to past reports the Somali Muslim immigrant, turned naturalized citizen, turned anti-American elected official, was supposedly the subject of a Minnesota investigation into her questionable marital vows to a man that sources claim to be her brother, was also supposedly the subject of an F.E.C. into allegations of campaign finance violations, duh, and finally was supposedly being looked at by the I.R.S. for campaign finance irregularities. Has anyone heard a word regarding any of these 'investigations', or is this another case of 'Move along folks, nothing to see here'?


      This is one of the many methods politicians use to become wealthy. If she can stay in Congress long enough she will be worth eight figures, like so many others. Biden has never had a real job, but is now so wealthy he pays several hundred thousand in tax each year.  So, where is the DOJ Investigation into this corruption and violations of the FEC standards. It appears that if things like this go unchecked, our nation would be no better than the corrupt countries like Somalia, where the War Lords and criminals reign and the pirates hijack vessels from foreign countries that travel the International Waterways.


      This financial slight-of-hand and double-dealing is why I have no confidence in the U.S. government anymore. Only very rich people with even richer background supporters even run for office, let alone get elected. People like Bernie Sanders don't really want to get elected; they make so much money from being the "underdog darling of the left" or some other lucrative back-door lobbying power. What exactly does George Soros do? But he essentially owns the Democratic Party and buys and sells Democrat candidates. Michael Bloomberg comes in a distant second to Soros, along with Bill Gates. The country is run by the 1% super-wealthy liberals who know for a fact that money buys political power and influence. No politician is free from it; all politicians must bend the knee to the 1% super-wealthy and do their bidding. We individual citizens who cast our votes are playthings for the rich and powerful; we are only offered candidates who they choose, support, finance and control. 99% of Americans have little to no say in the governing of their country.

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