Monday, December 21, 2020

BLM’s Defund Agenda will Hurt the Black Community




      Black Lives Matter (BLM) organizations are flexing their new political muscles. They are pressuring the incoming Biden Administration as well as state and local lawmakers to fulfill their personnel and policy demands. However, their radical ideas could be devastating to the black community leaving minority neighborhoods more lawless and dangerous.  Most people think that Black Lives Matter is a grass-roots, black created, black run organization dedicated to fighting racism. It most certainly is not. The Black Lives Matter movement is the creation of a group of a few very wealthy individuals, non-profit corporations, and the corporate media (incidentally, 90% of the U.S. media is controlled by only six corporations).  Who funds Black Lives Matter? It’s funded by billionaires George Soros (Open Society Foundation), Rob McKay (Taco Bell heir), the Ford Foundation, the Borealis Philanthropy, the Democracy Alliance, and many others. Not exactly what I would call a black run grass-roots organization. If these facts alone don’t cause you to rethink the whole Black Lives Matter thing, then you just aren’t paying attention.



      Many Americans thought they were embracing progress toward greater equality as they chanted or posted #blacklivesmatter. They were actually supporting organizations that advocated for far-left policies, the cornerstone being to defund police in America. The constellation of organizations that comprise the BLM movement also have a host of other demands that would undermine public safety in the black community. After the November election, BLM has the megaphone, the manpower, and the political might to get it done.


      Local chapters are pushing for their police forces to be defunded among sundry other priorities including removing resource officers from schools, legalizing sex work, and even reparations.  Nationally, BLM movement has drafted a comprehensive federal policing and justice reform bill, the  BREATHEAct.  The BREATHE Act would starve law enforcement of significant federal infusions of cash and reshape our criminal justice system. Championed by Squad members, U.S. Representatives Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, this bill would strip federal resources from incarceration and policing, reduce immigration enforcement, close prisons and immigration and youth detention centers, pilot universal basic income programs, and give voting rights to incarcerated individuals and illegal immigrants (in local and states laws.)


     When criminals know that there are fewer police patrolling or likely to respond and investigate crime, they may feel emboldened. This summer violent crime in cities spiked across the nation after months of lockdowns, rising unemployment, police funding cuts, and mass protests. In the nation’s 50 largest cities, reported homicides increased by 24 percent this year. Minneapolis, Minnesota, which is on the path to dismantle its police force, shifted $1 million from its police force to hire violence interrupters. Instead of more peace, the city experienced a spike in the number of reported violent crimes such as assaults, robberies and homicides compared to 2019. Startlingly, more people have been killed in the city in the first nine months of 2020 than were slain in all of last year. Burglaries, auto thefts, and arson have also all increased.


      Black Americans recognize the recklessness of defunding police, which is why 81 percent of them want the same or more police presence in their neighborhoods. BLM’s defund-the-police movement employs dehumanizing rhetoric to encourage disrespect, disobedience, and even violence against officers. Not only do police officers believe that their jobs have become more difficult, but police forces face significant retention and recruitment challenges.  When police budgets are cut, the first things to go are often youth programs, diversity initiatives, and police training programs — the very programs that have proven effective in reducing negative interactions between the police and members of the community. Such programs should receive more funding, but defunding the police will only gut them.

      In the African American community where there is the highest crime rate and the biggest problems with drug abuse, they push to release the inmates from prison and put them back on the streets, let drug use and drug dealing run wild, and then take away the police. What do you think the outcome of these policies will produce? More crime and drug abuse in the African American community. High crime and drug areas minus police equals hell, – easy math. Policies that promote more crime and drug abuse in the black community are what I call anti-black policies.


      What we are seeing happening in the world right now under the guise of “eliminating racism”, – the destabilization of society, the protest, rioting, looting, burning, and killing are not spontaneous, grass-roots events. It’s all thoroughly coordinated by those at the top of the Black Lives Matter / medial cabal. They are indeed the enemy of African Americans, but they are actually the enemy of us all. African Americans are just being used as cannon fodder in their game of global domination.

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