There is a palpable fear on the left that each new spasm of rioting and violence in the streets will drive more people away from their side. While Joe Biden himself is not tossing bricks and setting fire to police cars, his Democratic Party is the home of those who would excuse the rioters while Republicans are more likely to condemn street violence. It is natural that people who oppose anarchy in their cities and towns might consider voting for the candidate who does the same.
Progressives have fostered these protest organizations. Now that they are in power will they be able to control them? They may find that they have created a Frankenstein's monster. Does it seem like Democrats are deaf-mutes when it comes to speaking clearly against the rioting going on right now? Ultimately this connects to the contempt most liberal Democrats have for the country, and have had for a long time.
There are many reasons why the demonstrations will not be easy to stop. Social injustice and police brutality are only a small part of the reason for demonstrating. Many people riot to escape boredom which has been intense with the Corona lockdown. Many view riots as a fun pastime. Riots can also be an opportunity to pick up some new tennis shoes or a wide screen TV. There are few penalties for rioting and some municipalities actually encourage protests.
Oregon and Washington state and local politicians are unable to control violence in Portland and Seattle. Or do they encourage criminal behavior or do they ignore it? Both cities have been rocked with criminal violence in the guise of civil protest. The Oregon and Washington newspapers and Democratic state and city officials pretend there is no relevant criminal conduct nor riots nor accompanying damages and injuries occurring daily in Portland and Seattle and environs. President Joe Biden was and is a favorite of the news media, so these events were not reported.
American citizens ask, "Aren't the rioting and looting in Oregon and Washington causing personal injury and property damage, and still violent criminal conduct is not prosecuted?"
The political denizens of Portland and Seattle appear to believe that rioting and property destruction are accepted forms of protest. They further believe these protests will awaken the nation to the need for, and the acceptance of, a radical socialist government.
The rioters in Portland, Seattle and a few other cities appear to be a mixed bag — antifa, anarchists, communists, socialists, and other far-left groups. The leading faction seems to be the socialists, and they are encouraged by U.S. congressional types and Biden administration personal espousing socialist-leaning views and dogma.
A question to be answered is: Will the Biden administration take appropriate action when federal employees and/or property are harmed? Or will the Biden administration cower and excuse the rioting, looting and assaults with the accompanying property damage and personal injury, as the Oregon and Washington state and local officials do?
The most important questions are: Will federal, state and local officials prosecute those who committed criminal offenses? Or ignore them? It would also help if Democrats, including some of Kamala Harris’s staff apparently, hadn’t contributed to fund drives to bail out protesters and rioters in the few places where bail is being set.
No matter how hard Biden pulls to the left, he will never pull far enough for the anarchists whom the Democrat party coddled throughout 2020. He'll quickly discover that the hard leftists he insisted were just "an idea" are in fact real and a problem for him.
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