Saturday, January 23, 2021

Ohio restaurant owner rips Biden's embrace of $15 minimum wage as bad for business

      This is a response to the article here:  Article



      From the Article: Adrian Adornetto, who owns three pizza restaurants in Ohio  that the costs of a higher minimum wage would put "extra pressure" on struggling small businesses.  He called consideration of such a move during the coronavirus pandemic "bad timing."

     Response:  Well, it has always been "bad timing", right?  There has NEVER been a good time for a small business to pay their workers even close to a living wage, right?  I'm sure  Adrian Adornetto would have 100% opposed a $15 a hour minimum wage even back in 2019 before the pandemic.  And I wonder when would be a good time? 

      From the Article: "It will do several things to my business and my employees. I’ll most likely be cutting hours back. I'm in the pizza business, so that $12 pizza may grow to a $19 pizza, and in my part of Ohio that’s very expensive," Adornetto said. 


     Response:  Of course we have the same old threats of cutting employees hours and as always raising prices.   The cutting hours is always silly.  He owns three pizza shops, and he will need employees there from opening to close.  Most pizza shops are open from lunch time to late night, maybe ten to twelve hours at a minimum.  He can't "cut" too many workers, as then how will his pizza shops make any money?  If he does "cut" down to having say just one employee, he simply will make no money, as one person can't do all the work.  

     And, as always, raising prices.  Of course, for most of us a pizza already costs over $20.  I guess the $12 pizza he is giving as an example is a small cheese only pizza.  Really though, just let him raise his pizzas up to $30 or $40.  I'll bet no one will buy them and he will quickly be out of business


     From the Article:  He said his business went through tough "obstacles" amid the pandemic, and a minimum wage increase right now is "unthinkable."

Response: Paying your workers less then a living wage is "unthinkable".


     A comment:  Salary should be commensurate with the skills required to do a job. It is crazy to associate pay with a livable wage for unskilled/educated individuals. If you want to make a higher wage, develop a skill, or education required for that higher paying position. That is something that the individuals need to do for themselves.

     A Response:  I can agree that a salary should be commensurate with the skills required to do a job.  Though I'd put it a bit more simple: how much is it worth to have a fresh made pizza in less then thirty minutes?  Are you willing to make your own pizza?  If not, then you should be willing to pay for it, right?  And you notice the idea here that some work is unskilled, and is considered a waste.  Yet that same person sure whats that pizza, right?  They'd never do the job themselves, as they feel it is so far beneath them: but others should do it for low pay. 


     Will a minimum wage of $15 a hour change America?  Why yes it will: for the better.



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