Monday, April 24, 2023

Covenant School shooter Audrey Hale's senseless massacre



Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old former Covenant School student who killed six people at the school, carefully planned the attack, according to officials.  The shooter had various writings and maps of the school, as well as drawings of how to enter.  While inside, Hale killed Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs and William Kinney, all age 9, as well as custodian Mike Hill and substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, both 61, and school head Katherine Koonce, 60.  Following the shootings, Hale was killed when they encountered officers. 

Police said Hale was equipped with at least two assault weapons and a handgun, and in searching her family home in Nashville, officers found detailed maps and a manifesto of the attack.“We have a manifesto, we have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this day,” Nashville Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake said about the discovery.  He added that Hale was “prepared to do more harm than was actually done,” and that she had drawn up plans to attack another school in the area, but backed out of them because the school was too secure. 

 The Nashville school shooting should be investigated as a hate crime since the transgender shooter intentionally targeted Christians, Sen. Josh Hawley told Fox News on Tuesday.  The Trans Resistance Network, a trans activist group, said the transgender shooter felt "no other effective way to be seen" than by killing six people at a private Presbyterian school. Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake, said Monday night that some believe the shooter held "resentment for having to go to that school."

 "What police have told us in Nashville is that this was targeted at this Christian school, the Christian students, the Christian employees and that they believe it was definitely premeditated and there was a deliberate attempt to target the school," Hawley told Fox News in a sit-down interview. "We need to be clear that when you target people of faith, that is a hate crime."  awley is right to say this woman was motivated by hate. She had obviously been indoctrinated by a false dogma which teaches gender is a choice and nature or nature's god have no say in the matter. Her belief system was based on lies and she was told that anyone who expressed a different view was being "violent" towards her. The morals and standards handed down by centuries of western thought and beliefs were presented to her as lies and bigotry by her false trans-teachers. She had the right to believe whatever she desired. She crossed the line when she physically attacked those with whom she disagreed.


Authorities continue to work to answer questions about who Hale was and the motive behind the school shooting. While the shooter’s gender identity is unclear, it's known that Hale was assigned female at birth and used “male pronouns” on social media. Hale’s parents, who lived with the shooter, said Hale was under a doctor’s care for an “emotional disorder,”.  Over the last year, Hale posted on Facebook about the death of a girl with whom Hale apparently played basketball, as well as a request to be referred to by the name Aiden and male pronouns.

Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett called for the manifesto by the transgender shooter at the private Presbyterian school in Nashville to be made public.  "Our trans youth are troubled," Burchett told Fox News Digital in a late Monday statement. "If they don't get the help they need they can grow up to have some serious issues, but I obviously don't believe they'll all grow up to be shooters like this."  "We need to know what was going through this person's head, and the manifesto should be made public," the Tennessee Republican continued.  The manifesto would be released almost immediately if it was a "white male, racist, home grown, domestic terrorist" or a parent who opposes CRT, who committed this mass shooting.  It must not be some pro-2nd Amendment, pro-religion, pro-life, pro-American values or pro-Trump sort of manifesto or it would already have been released.  



In light of this horrific crime, I'm still waiting, and have been for several years, for the same people who denounce these shootings and demand more law that won't stop criminals from committing these type crimes, to actually visit, say, St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, NYC, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Atlanta, NOLA, and Houston, or even discuss their plans on stemming the tide of black-on-black crime in those cities.

It's much easier for Dems to allow black-on-black crime and support abortion in those communities, because it is supporting the philosophy of Margaret Sanger.  Gender disphoria is a mental illness. Always has been and always will be. It is usually clustered with several other mental illness diagnosis. They stopped calling it an illness when they figured out that they could make more money affirming the delusion than they could by treating the illness. Kind of like big pharma. Why look for a cure if you can make billions treating symptoms. These mentally ill people are in our government, schools, military, corporations and every institution in this country. The real madness is that we allow it.

 When reports of this tragedy first emerged this murderer was being identified as a female . Multiple news channels described this as a very rare thing to see a female mass shooters . The story was plastered everywhere with nonstop coverage. When the full identity of the shooter became available, everyone stopped talking about the shooting and started talking about Trump and the grand jury again. We need to see what was in that manifesto because we live in a society that does not want to discuss the truth. That mental illness is a real thing and needs to be dealt with and transgender is a mental illness. Our media and our government representatives will quit talking about this as soon as they possibly can, because gun control is a political talking point. The fact that this man was a transgender person is some thing they will sweep under the rug as if this incident never took place in order to push a hard, left-wing social agenda in this country.



 Things will continue to get worse as long as we coddle to these young confused people. The mentally unstable people are running around practically BEGGING for help and certain groups of people try to manipulate them into believing something their not. It causes a fracture for reality and these are some of the consequences. Very very sad. Let's hope they release it, because then we can see how many time the person cried out for help with her delusions, and no one answered. The people around the person enabled the illness she suffered from for a long time it seems. The person was at war with in themselves and no one helped.

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