Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Hunter Biden's Daughter



     Lunden Alexis Roberts is the mother of Hunter Biden’s 4-year-old daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, whom both President Biden and the first lady refuse to acknowledge as their seventh grandchild.

     A former stripper at the Mpire Gentlemen's Club in Washington, D.C., Hunter used to be a frequent visitor of the club.  Hunter said he had "no recollection" of meeting Roberts.  Roberts had a brief affair with Hunter Biden about five years ago that resulted in a pregnancy, not long after he ended a torrid affair with Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother, Beau Biden. 

     Both Roberts, 32, and Hunter Biden, 53, appeared in person Monday in Batesville, Arkansas, before Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer. The judge ordered that both parents be present for proceedings and can no longer only send attorneys in the ongoing child support and paternity case involving their daughter.  The girl was born in August 2018. A paternity suit was filed in May 2019 – the same month Hunter Biden married his second wife, Melissa Cohen, with whom he now shares a young son named Beau after his late brother who died in 2015 from brain cancer. 




     Unlike 4-year-old Navy, the 3-year-old Beau is often photographed at the White House with both his father and president grandfather, most recently during the annual Easter Egg Roll.  In the Biden family, the 4-year-old girl remains "she who shall not be named" literally. Not only has President Biden refused to refer to her as a grandchild or even include a Christmas stocking with the other children, her father Hunter is fighting to prevent her from using the Biden name.  The viciousness of the Biden family in dealing with this little girl is only matched by that of the media. Reporters who profess to support women and denounce deadbeat dads have either ignored this story or belittled her mother Lunden Roberts.

    Roberts is widely dismissed as a "former stripper." That appears to be how she met Hunter, but it is often used to paint her in the same way that the media gleefully reported on former first lady Hillary Clinton denouncing the women who were involved with her husband as mere "bimbo eruptions."

     The reason the media ignores Roberts is that it wants to ignore what the Bidens have done. Yes, Roberts was an exotic dancer. She used that job to go to one of the most expensive colleges in the country, George Washington University.  When she became pregnant, she decided to have her child and raise her on her own. She has raised this child without a father and fought one of the most powerful families in the world.  In a January 2020 order, Meyer declared following a DNA test "with near scientific certainty" that Hunter Biden is the biological father of the girl, referred to in documents as "Baby Doe."

      Despite Joe Biden long campaigning against deadbeat dads, his son had refused to acknowledge that he was the father of Navy Joan. After a court forced him to confirm his paternity through DNA testing, he continued to fight paying support for his child. Hunter's delay and evasion of filings and depositions led a court to repeatedly threaten sanctions. Roberts and Hunter Biden reached an agreement in 2020 over the child’s paternity and child support, but the case was reopened when the president’s son requested adjustments to the payments. In December, Roberts requested her daughter’s last name be changed to Biden, with her attorneys writing in a motion, "The Biden name is now synonymous with being well-educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful." Biden’s team demanded an explanation into why a name change would be in the child’s best interests.  

     In court Monday, Hunter Biden’s new attorney, Abbe Lowell, argued that the president’s son has been paying $20,000 per month in child support, amounting to $750,000 paid so far.  Our average Joe that tries to avoid paying child support gets their wages garnished to support their child, but the elites who have more money than most of us get away with not paying up and being responsible parents. There really is a two tier system for the haves and have-nots. When Hunter falsified his information on a gun purchase application, (Form 4473) it was a felony that was punishable by up to 10 years in prison. When Hunter's dad signed the Safer Communities Act into law, that penalty was raised to a maximum of 15 years. Possession of a firearm that was purchased illegally can result in an additional 10 years. 


    Under our two-tier system, these rules do not apply to Hunter.



     If one were to combine all of Hunter's influence peddling, drug abuse, orgies and prostitution controversies, they would not hold a candle to the utter depravity shown toward this little girl.  Later, he wrote in his book “Beautiful Things” published in 2021 that he did not recall getting Roberts pregnant.  Despite assembling a new Legion of Doom of high-priced lawyers and advisers, Hunter is claiming that he simply cannot meet demands for child support.  It is even more difficult to accept this excuse as he jets between his luxurious mansion in Malibu to digs at the White House. The public reportedly pays more for his security in his mansion than he does for monthly support for his daughter.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Covenant School shooter Audrey Hale's senseless massacre



Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old former Covenant School student who killed six people at the school, carefully planned the attack, according to officials.  The shooter had various writings and maps of the school, as well as drawings of how to enter.  While inside, Hale killed Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs and William Kinney, all age 9, as well as custodian Mike Hill and substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, both 61, and school head Katherine Koonce, 60.  Following the shootings, Hale was killed when they encountered officers. 

Police said Hale was equipped with at least two assault weapons and a handgun, and in searching her family home in Nashville, officers found detailed maps and a manifesto of the attack.“We have a manifesto, we have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this day,” Nashville Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake said about the discovery.  He added that Hale was “prepared to do more harm than was actually done,” and that she had drawn up plans to attack another school in the area, but backed out of them because the school was too secure. 

 The Nashville school shooting should be investigated as a hate crime since the transgender shooter intentionally targeted Christians, Sen. Josh Hawley told Fox News on Tuesday.  The Trans Resistance Network, a trans activist group, said the transgender shooter felt "no other effective way to be seen" than by killing six people at a private Presbyterian school. Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake, said Monday night that some believe the shooter held "resentment for having to go to that school."

 "What police have told us in Nashville is that this was targeted at this Christian school, the Christian students, the Christian employees and that they believe it was definitely premeditated and there was a deliberate attempt to target the school," Hawley told Fox News in a sit-down interview. "We need to be clear that when you target people of faith, that is a hate crime."  awley is right to say this woman was motivated by hate. She had obviously been indoctrinated by a false dogma which teaches gender is a choice and nature or nature's god have no say in the matter. Her belief system was based on lies and she was told that anyone who expressed a different view was being "violent" towards her. The morals and standards handed down by centuries of western thought and beliefs were presented to her as lies and bigotry by her false trans-teachers. She had the right to believe whatever she desired. She crossed the line when she physically attacked those with whom she disagreed.


Authorities continue to work to answer questions about who Hale was and the motive behind the school shooting. While the shooter’s gender identity is unclear, it's known that Hale was assigned female at birth and used “male pronouns” on social media. Hale’s parents, who lived with the shooter, said Hale was under a doctor’s care for an “emotional disorder,”.  Over the last year, Hale posted on Facebook about the death of a girl with whom Hale apparently played basketball, as well as a request to be referred to by the name Aiden and male pronouns.

Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett called for the manifesto by the transgender shooter at the private Presbyterian school in Nashville to be made public.  "Our trans youth are troubled," Burchett told Fox News Digital in a late Monday statement. "If they don't get the help they need they can grow up to have some serious issues, but I obviously don't believe they'll all grow up to be shooters like this."  "We need to know what was going through this person's head, and the manifesto should be made public," the Tennessee Republican continued.  The manifesto would be released almost immediately if it was a "white male, racist, home grown, domestic terrorist" or a parent who opposes CRT, who committed this mass shooting.  It must not be some pro-2nd Amendment, pro-religion, pro-life, pro-American values or pro-Trump sort of manifesto or it would already have been released.  



In light of this horrific crime, I'm still waiting, and have been for several years, for the same people who denounce these shootings and demand more law that won't stop criminals from committing these type crimes, to actually visit, say, St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, NYC, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Atlanta, NOLA, and Houston, or even discuss their plans on stemming the tide of black-on-black crime in those cities.

It's much easier for Dems to allow black-on-black crime and support abortion in those communities, because it is supporting the philosophy of Margaret Sanger.  Gender disphoria is a mental illness. Always has been and always will be. It is usually clustered with several other mental illness diagnosis. They stopped calling it an illness when they figured out that they could make more money affirming the delusion than they could by treating the illness. Kind of like big pharma. Why look for a cure if you can make billions treating symptoms. These mentally ill people are in our government, schools, military, corporations and every institution in this country. The real madness is that we allow it.

 When reports of this tragedy first emerged this murderer was being identified as a female . Multiple news channels described this as a very rare thing to see a female mass shooters . The story was plastered everywhere with nonstop coverage. When the full identity of the shooter became available, everyone stopped talking about the shooting and started talking about Trump and the grand jury again. We need to see what was in that manifesto because we live in a society that does not want to discuss the truth. That mental illness is a real thing and needs to be dealt with and transgender is a mental illness. Our media and our government representatives will quit talking about this as soon as they possibly can, because gun control is a political talking point. The fact that this man was a transgender person is some thing they will sweep under the rug as if this incident never took place in order to push a hard, left-wing social agenda in this country.



 Things will continue to get worse as long as we coddle to these young confused people. The mentally unstable people are running around practically BEGGING for help and certain groups of people try to manipulate them into believing something their not. It causes a fracture for reality and these are some of the consequences. Very very sad. Let's hope they release it, because then we can see how many time the person cried out for help with her delusions, and no one answered. The people around the person enabled the illness she suffered from for a long time it seems. The person was at war with in themselves and no one helped.

The Dadeville Alabama mass shooting


 Alexis Dowdell had been anticipating her Sweet 16 birthday party for months, but she never expected to end her night holding her dying brother in her arms. He had pushed her out of the way of gunshots.  The party was held on the night of April 15 at Mahogany’s Masterpiece dance studio. Many attendees were students at the Dadeville High School. Festivities were interrupted around 10:30 p.m. by a hail of gunshots into the crowd of teenagers and young adults.

Witnesses told the police they heard screaming from the venue as the shots rang out. Family members of the victims told local senior pastor Ben Haynes that an argument at the party sparked the shooting.

Four people were confirmed dead. According to CNN, one victim was 17-year-old Shaunkivia “Keke” Smith, a high school senior who was poised to attend the University of Alabama in the fall. Another identified victim was 18-year-old Philstavious Dowdell, the older brother of the birthday girl. He was headed to play football at Alabama Jacksonville State University on scholarship. A father posted to Twitter that his son Marsiah Collins, 19, was also a victim and was supposed to be headed to LSU.

The fourth victim was 23-year-old Corbin Holston, whose mother told AL.com he was not a party attendee. She said he showed up at the event to make sure everyone was okay after he received a concerning call from his relative who was there.

Reports say 28 people sustained injuries related to the shooting. Fifteen of the injured are teenagers, four are stable, and five are in critical condition, according to a hospital spokesperson.


 Six suspects have now been arrested over the mass shooting at a “Sweet 16” birthday party that left four people dead and 32 injured in Dadeville, Alabama.

On Thursday, authorities announced that three more suspects were taken into custody including a 15-year-old who has not been named due to his age, Johnny Letron Brown, 20, and Willie George Brown Jr., 19.

The arrests bring the total number of people arrested over the shooting to six after the earlier arrests of Wilson LaMar Hill Jr, 20, and brothers Ty Reik McCullough, 17, and Travis McCullough, 16.

All six have been charged with four counts of reckless murder.



  • Four deceased victims; over two dozen wounded . . . all black.
  • Six alleged perpetrators arrested . . . all black. None were invited to party.
  • Firearms used: pistols; no semi-auto rifles, especially no “AR” or “AK” platform

As best determined thus far, it was gang-bangers, or gang-banger wannabes, from out of town and uninvited that showed up when word spread about the party on social media. Someone dissed someone else, among the gang-bangers, the pistols came out, and they started shooting at each other.

Doesn’t fit the Disarm America Gun Grabber, or the BLM narrative any more than the ongoing carnage in cities like Chicago does.


 In America, while most violent crime is intra-racial (white on white or black on black, for example), in cases in which blacks and whites have violent interaction, blacks are overwhelmingly the perpetrators, not the victims.  The media routinely ignore these facts, since they don’t fit the narrative. In fact, the media have a general tendency not to even mention the race of perpetrators of crimes if those perpetrators are black. The people harmed most by this narrative failure are not white Americans, but black Americans, who are predominantly the victims of black crime.

 Black Americans are twice as likely as white Americans to die by firearm. Gun violence is the number one killer of all American children and Black children in particular represent a disproportionate share of youth gunshot victims. 

Understanding the facts about interracial crime presents different solutions than the lies we hear about the prevalence of white-on-black violence. Those solutions include encouraging fatherhood in the home. Only 37% of black children are living in a home with their biological parents; 72% of black fathers aren’t married to the mother of their children; and only 4.2% of black children grow up in areas with a poverty rate below 10% and over half of black fathers present in the community.

But such discussions never take place if we focus on a lie: the lie that black victims are disproportionately the victim of white evils. Those who promulgate that lie victimize all Americans, black and white.  This carnage is out of sight, out of mind for most of the country. If these children had been white, there would have been a national revolution. The media ignore the routine killings of black children just as assiduously as the race activists do and for the same reason: They were not mowed down by alleged lethal white hate. In fact, the lethal-white-hate narrative that has entranced Democratic politicians and the press for the last two weeks is false: Blacks commit hate crimes nationally at more than twice the rate of whites.


Those young, white and woke BLM supporters who filled the streets, masked, chanting and angry, in legitimate protests over the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd by a white police officer aren't venting much public, organized outrage over Black children being slaughtered.  They shouted so loudly and passionately about defunding or abolishing the police, but aren't they also concerned about the lives of Black children being taken in street gang wars across the country?  It's possible they're just terrified and sad and don't know what to do without leaders to herd them. They might need a safe space, even though the children being shot to death don't have a safe space.

Or, could it just be that the protesters, so silent now, see no political advantage for the November elections in drawing attention to the Black children, some as young as 1, who are killed?  When it comes to the lives of Black children taken in street violence, what's clear is that the white woke world has no skin in the game.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Actor Jonathan Majors arrested on assault and harassment charges in New York


      Actor Jonathan Majors, known for his roles in films such as “Creed III” and “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania,” was arrested in New York on Saturday on charges of strangulation, assault, and harassment following a domestic dispute with a 30-year-old woman.

      Police responded to a 911 call in an apartment in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood and arrested Majors without incident. The victim sustained minor injuries to her head and neck and was taken to a hospital in stable condition.  Via the NYPD "On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at approximately 1114 hours, police responded to [a] 911 call inside of an apartment located in the vicinity of West 22nd Street and 8th Avenue, within the confines of the 10 Precinct. A preliminary investigation determined that a 33-year-old male was involved in a domestic dispute with a 30 year-old female," the report reads.


     Early Sunday, the Manhattan district attorney’s office reported that the actor was arraigned on a complaint involving misdemeanor charges of assault and aggravated harassment. Major has been released on his recognizance, which a judge ordered on Saturday night. He is scheduled to appear in court on May 8.

     Following these allegations, the United States Army suspended its TV ad campaign featuring the actor intended to target a younger audience. The Army Enterprise Marketing Office stated the termination of the contract, saying the Army is “deeply concerned by the allegations surrounding his arrest.”

      The arrest of Majors has shocked the entertainment industry, with many expressing concern for the safety of the victim and the impact on Majors’ career.  The recently reported allegation of assault against Jonathan Majors has left everyone in a daze. It hasn’t helped that filmmakers who have worked with the actor described him as a “sociopath” mere hours after news emerged that the MCU star was arrested (but also subsequently released) by the police after a complaint was filed against him.


      On Twitter, Your Turn and Uncle Frank director A.B. Allen posted a series of tweets after learning of Majors being taken into custody for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend during an incident in New York City. Allen stated in February that "there's a particular actor, relatively new on the scene, who Twitter has violently fallen head over heels for who, in actuality, is a vicious, cruel, abusive human being, both professionally and in his personal life, and every new viral thirst tweet about him drives me insane." Following the breaking news about Majors' arrest, Allen responded to a user's repost of his statement in February, confirming it was Majors he was referring to.

      Allen wasn't the only one to voice his opinion on Majors, as Broadway helmer/actor Tim Nicolai supported claims of the actor's troubling behavior dating back to his time attending Yale University. Nicolai said, "I’m just gonna say this about Jonathan Majors and be done with it: folks at Yale and the broader NYC community have known about him for years. He’s a sociopath and abuser and that is how virtually everyone speaks about him. It’s a shame it took this long for him to be reported."



Sunday, February 26, 2023

'Now hiring non-stupid people' sign at Ohio pizzeria


     Santino’s Pizzeria, located in the Georgesville area near Cloumbus , Ohio, had two signs posted on Tuesday reading “Now hiring non-stupid people.” One hung from the fence on the side of the building, while a copy of it also hung upside-down above the entrance. Santino’s also posted a more neutral message, “We’re hiring,” on the door to go inside.  Heather Stockton—a manager at the shop—explained that the sign was “supposed to be a joke” in response to what she described as employment struggles. According to that report, the sign was initially posted several months ago, although its nationwide virality didn’t kick in until more recently.

     So what does the company define as a "non-stupid person?"  Stockton said she is looking for workers that are "just reliable, on time, just, don't come to work in like sandals."  Fellow business owner Cathy Barrett said she understands the challenges of finding workers and will continue to support the shop.  “I thought [the sign] was awesome, because they're not saying people are stupid, they're saying, hey let's pay attention, let's communicate, let's get things going back to the way they're supposed to be, helping each other,” said Barrett.

     One parent of a 16-year old employee said that the store is constantly staffed by only a couple teenagers. This individual also stated that the teen left a shift when told they would be running the store alone during the day. (source) Doing more with less has been the norm for many small businesses. But if Santino's is wanting one teenager to run the store alone, it makes sense that there would be very high turnover. 




     According to Forbes, Low wages and lack of benefits are a recurring pain point for retail workers, but they also feel little to no control of their work schedules, inconsistent hours and lack of training to move up the ladder.  When that information is taken into consideration, it is easy to see why there is such a problem with finding and keeping good retail workers. But a bad boss will also not keep good workers, especially in a very competitive retail environment. 

     We don't know what Santino's pays, but we can assume it's a very low wage.  That is typical for such a place: we know they are not paying close to a living wage.  So this will limit there worker pool to just teenagers or collage students living at home.  Anyone living on their own and paying the sky high rents today, would not be able to work for such a small amount of money.  And with inflation the cost of everything has also gone up.  I would guess Santino's did not offer their employees a massive coast of living raise.

     Though money is only the beginning.  As a typical pizza place, we know they have the most hostile chaotic schedule for their employees. Maybe if the boss likes you, or you are attractive, you might be able to get a somewhat stable schedule.  Though most employees will get the short end of the stick.  Not only will the boss demand they work odd hours, nights and weekends; but they will demand employees change their schedule to work at the bosses whim.  Does an employee get a premium or bonus for working a night or weekend?  It is doubtful.  They are much more likely to get the boss just threatening their job then anything else.  

     It's unlikely Santino's Pizzeria offers any sort of benefits.  They only list that...oooohh...you get your birthday off paid.  So, again, this makes your only worker pool very young workers.  A pizza shop is not a great place to work.  It's hot, it's noisy and busy most of the time.  And that is just the work of making food.  It might not be so bad, but that would not be the worst of it.  As would be typical of most jobs like this, you would not be treated all that well by your boss.  Your boss would ride you all shift long, making sure you did everything they wanted at their whim.  Not the best work place.  




      This sign would deter me from eating or working there. It’s an indication the management is rude, impatient and probably unwilling to train. We are in the beginnings of a major socioeconomic revolution whose effects are just being felt and is largely misunderstood. At the root of it is that no one, not even teens, want to do sh*tty jobs for sh*tty pay any more. Especially not when their employers are making greater profits than ever.

     So any “struggle” is for fast food shop owners to keep up with steady, if not increased demand and thus record profit potential… without paying a dime more for labor than they did three years ago, when too many workers accepted the situation as inevitable  The notion here isn’t “higher minimum wage,” a concept formulated entirely from employer perspective — “how little can I get away with paying?” but “minimum living wage” which is both from the worker perspective and the ethically defensible one. If the hourly take-home wage is not close to 1/40th of a week’s basic living costs… it’s unethical.

     And a business that can only survive, and profit, by underpaying its work force is functionally bankrupt. As well as unethical.


Thursday, February 16, 2023


     A train hauling hazardous materials derailed Thursday near Detroit, but none spilled, officials said.  The Norfolk Southern train derailed nearly two weeks after a Norfolk Southern derailment in Ohio left a mangled and charred mass of boxcars that had been carrying various hazardous chemicals.  The derailment just before 9 a.m. west of Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport left the tracks damaged and wheels disconnected from some rail cars.  Police said there were no reported injuries and no evidence that hazardous materials were exposed in the derailment.  The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy sent responders to the scene who found one of the overturned rail cars contained agricultural products while the other cars were empty.. No hazardous material was released into soil or waterways, and one rail car contained liquid chlorine but was away from the overturned section.

    Too soon to speculate what happened here. So many things can cause it. You can bet there are several departments all pointing fingers right now. A defective wheel, bad brakes, improperly tested brakes, broken rail, bad rail bed or some other rail maintenance issue, weather (sudden temp changes). In Canada years back, some hose draggers were called out and got on the locomotive and likely disengaged the air brakes. The crew was accused of not setting enough hand brakes and it rolled away. I know of a case (another railroad) where a malfunctioning electronic car inspection device that sits trackside was ignored because it had been giving false messages. Well, on this particular train, it was giving a legitimate defect message and since it was ignored, the train went all over the ground. Hell, could have been sabotage. Gotta wait for the results of the investigation to know for sure. Even then, we may not find out for sure.

 Since 2019 they have averaged over 80 derailments a month. Everything from simply having to put a car back on the rails, to massive pile ups. Very few like Ohio thank god, but there have been several hundred hazmat leaks a year as well, both involving accidents, and from cars leaking going down the rails or in the yard.