Saturday, February 13, 2021

Socialism Never Works




Socialism looks good on paper. The citizens now called workers, do exactly that, work. They work for their free healthcare, free education, and the workers receive equal pay. This is a selling feature to get your vote. All the freebies will make your life less stressful. You’ll live longer and your life will be spent enjoying all that life has to offer now that everyone is equal. No more poor people, no more super wealthy people. Redistribution of wealth gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy all the Danes things. It’s not just the rich that can enjoy things, everyone can. Sounds great, huh?

No more corporations, the workers own and manage the businesses. The profits are theirs. The workers provided everything that is needed. They farm to provide food for the people. They manage stores and any businesses they want to. They are in control of hiring, firing, distribution and all aspects of the business with no government interference.

Sounds like paradise, huh? Looks little closer and you’ll see how this operates. Socialism is all about equality, no division as far as income. Everyone earns the same. This means that the rich give their money to the people so it can be distributed evenly. There are no wealthy people to upset the poor. And to make sure the workers are al equal, no one owns property and personal possessions. Prroperty, your homeor land and any business that you own is all given to the leaders. Don’t worry, they will build many row houses. Cookie cutter homes so no one is jealous of their neighbor. You rent your hone and size is based on you households needs.

Socialism also takes away the day to day stress of discussion making. The leaders decided what size of home you have, where you live, where you go to school. You don’t have to stress anymore. You will get to choose the color of the vehicle your to drive.




Your health care allows you to have all your medical needs taken care of. It’s wonderful to be able to go the the doctors. Problem is, the doctors are paid as much as the receptionist. The doctors aren’t as motivated and have little bed side manners. With so many workers, it’s a long wait to see your doctor. Many doctors try to practice medicine in anothercountry where they can be paid for their knowledge. The wealthy also try to get out of the country with their money, but most can escape.

Your stress free life will be guaranteed because once you vote for socialism and win, you then loose all rights to vote again. You also loose all rights to complain, free speech is not allowed. You will be a worker in a Socialism for decades. There is little hope of escaping, that’s not permitted. Your now a worker, your expected to work. To receive the healthcare, education and equal pay you must work. Those who don’t work aren’t entitled to anything. There are no unemployment or human services. Complain and you’ll be arrested. In jail you will work to earn your meals.

One thing that socialism has been unable to include, is the reason it has always failed. It’s “human nature”. Socialism can’t succeed if people are to satisfy their natural desires.

Socialism takes away the motivation to succeed. There are no raises to achieve for hard work. No promotions are needed. There is nothing to buy that would make you feel special or more important than someone else. Everyone would have the same things. Even the way you cut your hair will have only a few options.

Socialism isn’t designed to care for a large population. Remember that.




After a few years, healthcare cost are too high. Care starts to decline. Medicines are too expensive to buy and you get substitutes or do with out. People get ill and can’t work. Those that don’t work starve. While people are ill and dying, workers have to work long hours to make up for those who can’t work. Many workers die from exhaustion. Businesses lake the knowledge and skills to be run efficiently. They close down. Now, everyone is equally poor. Very poor. Hungry. People are starving to death. People complain to the leaders, they protest. They are arrested or killed on site. Complaining is illegal. Now there are millions starving to death, millions being worked to death and millions dying from lack of health care. People are desperate, they try to leave the country. They are killed The leaders don’t care. They own all the property, possessions and resources. They have it made.

To enter into socialism, the first thing that is done is take away your guns. As long as your armed, and you have rights, socialism can’t happen. But once you give up your rights and give them your gun, you have no more rights. It’s said it takes a gun to start socialism and a gun to end Socialism. That’s just how it ends. The workers have to overtake the leaders. A revolution is needdd.

By the time it’s all said and done, millions, hundreds of million will have died in socialism.

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