Friday, January 4, 2019

Woman's March Falling Down


     A Women’s March group is canceling its January rally in Humboldt County, Calif., over concerns that its participants would be “overwhelmingly white.”
The decision comes amid division and tension in the broader Women’s March movement.  In a Monday news release, the organizers of the Eureka Women’s March acknowledged that their leadership team is currently majority-white, and said the decision was made to “ensure that the people most impacted by systems of oppression have an opportunity to participate in planning.”  In recent months, the Women’s March has tried to quell controversy surrounding its leadership. Some regional chapters have distanced themselves from the national group and its leaders, who have been called to step down over ties with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and accusations of anti-Semitism. 

     In a November Facebook post, Women’s March founder Teresa Shook called for the resignations of national co-chairs Bob Bland, Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour, adding that they have “steered the Movement away from its true course.”  Mallory, in particular, was criticized after she attended the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours' Day event in Chicago this year, at which Farrakhan made statements about “powerful Jews” who he considered his enemies.

     The risible rantings of Ashley Judd, Madonna and other female celebrities against Mr. Trump made much more sense once the Harvey Weinstein debacle was exposed. They couldn’t, or wouldn’t, stop Mr. Weinstein so Mr. Trump became their stand-in.  Starting a movement with a subconscious fraud doesn’t bode well for its future and leaves it ripe for the picking of bad actors.

     Like clockwork, leftist activists appropriated the effort, twisting it into a battle-ax for social justice. Gone was any semblance of a genuine commitment to advocating for women, as leftists consumed the movement with race-baiting, homophobia, Jew-hatred and misandry. Women who happened to be Jewish, or pro-life, or in some other fashion deemed unacceptable, were rejected or banned.  The Women’s March, like the liberal establishment itself, has completed its transition to a medieval religion; those who are unacceptable due to race, religion or wrong-thought, are heretics.  In other words, the organizing tactics used by the left in every community and country they’ve destroyed from within. Some might think that’s an unintended consequence of stupid, divisive ideas. Or it could be exactly the point.


     The so-called "Women's Movement" is grossly misnamed. It should be called "The Women of Color and Varied Gender Labeling Movement" as they reject white women, conservative women, Christian women, women who own businesses, Jewish women, ProLife women and in general any woman who doesn't fall in lockstep with their slate of political goals. To label this as a movement representing all women is rather like saying California represents the views of all border states.  This has always been my problem with traditional feminism. Its lack of intersectionality is exclusionary. When feminists proclaim “women’s rights are human rights” it feels more like they mean “white women’s rights are human rights.”  Indeed, either most of the issues raised in Women’s March “Unity Principles” have already been codified into law; the issues themselves don’t actually exist; or they demand something which is illegal for a pretty good reason. It’s also a shame that the Democrats who founded the movement so often engage in hypocrisy that it renders their call for equality hollow.  Therein lie the fundamental flaws of the Women’s March, and the problem with Democrats in general.It’s all about emotional outrage and projection.   America is not perfect, but if you read the Principles and watched the Marches, you’d think American women are practically slaves.
      In fact, it sends a really awful message to women and teenage girls.  The March tells women they are second-class citizens when they are not, something eerily reminiscent of what race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson engage in.  Where are signs showing history’s greatest women?  Where are the speakers talking about all the great things women have accomplished?  Why so relentlessly focused not only on the negative, but on things that aren’t even real?  As a result, there were great opportunities missed, including something that should define the Women’s March: the treatment of women outside the United States, particularly in Arab countries.  Imagine what real changes would look like in many Arab countries where women weren’t forced to wear hijabs; were allowed to use makeup; were allowed to drive, travel, marry, or work without consent of a “guardian”; go for a swim; compete freely in sports; didn’t have to mutilate their genitals; couldn’t be legally beaten or raped by their husbands; weren’t lawfully permitted to be forced into marriage as a pre-pubescent; weren’t legally permitted to be murdered under the pretense of “honor killing”; weren’t stoned for adultery; or weren’t subjected to countless other truly inhumane and legal discrimination.  

     Another missed opportunity: how about presenting a comprehensive plan on how to reduce sexual harassment, both in the workplace and everyday life?  Women also face an unintentional blowback by men who may now fear hiring or interacting with women in the workplace.  How can this issue be addressed in a manner where everyone can live and work together and push America forward?
Alas, it is exactly because Democrats are unhappy people that great opportunities like this will be repeatedly squandered. Instead of women looking around and feeling empowered by what they have accomplished, and how many men actually support them, they will be repeatedly browbeaten with how they mean nothing. 

     Americans naturally come together on the issues to help make a difference. For women, the issues that impact and make us all sisters transcend race, ethnicity, age, social status and sexual identity. It is about economic freedom, personal freedom, education, health care, child care, ending sexual violence, etc. There are a multitude of issues that all women face and on which action must be taken.
Instead, the Women’s March, serving as a hallmark of today’s liberal establishment, works to divide women against each other, and even against the men in their lives.

     In the end, this is a huge lesson about the nature of the left and the deliberately destructive nature of identity politics. The left thrives on chaos, and that’s what they’ve got.

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