Black Lives Matter has continued with its tradition of boycotting “white companies” for the seventh year in a row during the month-long festive season. It has also urged support for “Black Xmas”. On Black Friday, the #BlackLivesMatter Global Network Foundation took to Instagram, where it stated, “Let’s use every tool in our toolbox…including our dollars…to end white-supremacist-capitalism.” As BLMLA organizer, Jan Williams, reminds us, 'Capitalism doesn't love Black people.'" The blog post adds that "white-supremacist-capitalism invented policing, initially as chattel-slavery-era 'paddy rollers,' in order to protect its interests and put targets on the backs of Black people. Under modern-day policing, those targets have been affixed to the backs of Black people," including multiple Black customers who were killed by police in stores like Walmart and 24-Hour-Fitness locations.
Getting wrapped up in settling scores, as BLM’s #BlackXmas seeks to do, will never lead anywhere positive. Actively trying to bankrupt a business because of the owner’s skin colour is blatant discrimination. And then to wrap it up into Christmas is doubly depressing. Whether you’re religious or not, it’s a time of year when families, friends and communities should come together. Not in the eyes of BLM, though, which appears to believe it’s the optimum time of year to crank up racial division.
Here is the perfect example of just exactly how hate-filled and steeped in Marxism – at its core – the Black Lives Matter movement truly is. In fact, there is nothing about this movement that isn’t centered on Marxism division and hate. The core ideology of the BLM movement is a plagiarized version of the Marxist-based Critical Theory dogma; a socioeconomic political theory meant to use division to conquer the masses bringing them to heal. The dogma, in its original form, used the economic classes to create the dividing fault line. Today, the Fascists who are seeking to bring the masses to heal have replaced the economic faultline with a faultline based on racial division, and the useful idiots of the opportunistic race-baiting movement have gone all-in.
In our free society, we must suffer such attacks on our culture because even the disingenuous and the opportunistic are guaranteed the freedom of speech. What we don’t have to afford these opportunistic reprobates, however, is a validation of their destructive, self-centered, false narrative dogma. The statistics disproving a systemic racial bias in law enforcement are well documented. So too are the statistics disproving any systemic racism in education clear and present for those who don’t openly refuse to see them. In fact, the pendulum of racism has swung so far to the opposite end that it is the opportunistic activists of the Black Lives Matter community that are executing open and hateful racism. These attacks on two of the pinnacle holidays in the United States serve as proof of this hate and opportunism.
Some of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation's biggest corporate donors have stayed silent after the group called on allies to only shop at Black-owned businesses this holiday season. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has received major donations from corporations around the world. BLM Donors to Avoid in 2022: Walmart: 100M (million) over 5 years Target: 10M + 10,000 of pro-bono consulting Home Depot: 1M EA Games: 1M Square Enix: 250K + employee matching contributions to BLM Ubisoft: 100K Etsy: 1M H&M: 500K Everlane: 75K Spanx: 200K Levi’s 200K +100K to the ACLU + 100K to Live Free USA Gap: 250K Warber Parker: 1M Lululemon: 100K + 250K to local Minneapolis organizations Nike 40M over 4 years McDonalds: 1M Wendy’s: 500K United Healthcare: 10M to George Floyd’s children and Minnesota + 5M to the YMCA Peleton: 500K
Conservative Clergy of Color, a national non-partisan civil rights advocacy group, is calling on corporations and business leaders to withdraw their financial support from the Black Lives Matter movement following the launch of BLM's annual boycott of these same companies. "Business leaders who rely on Christmas shoppers for so much of their annual revenue yet also fund BLM, which promotes boycotts of these same companies through #BlackXmas, must pick a side: capitalism or Marxism," said Conservative Clergy of Color co-founder Bishop Audrey Shines. "It's time for them to de-fund BLM now, stop the movement from 'biting the hand that feeds it,' and stand up against attacks on faith-based American traditions including Christmas. Most of all, corporations need to remember that #ChristmasMatters to Americans.
What companies would you even begin doing business with? There are no BIack owned consumer technology or electronics companies in America. Home appliances? None. Tools and hardware? Nope. Jewellery, watches, luxury handbags? No, no, no, no. I'm sure there are some clothing companies, at least small boutique ones, but none of the major brands. And banking? There's a list online of BIack owned banks - there's 32 of them nationwide, half of them have fewer than two branches or ATMs, and they only exist in 24 states.
It's kind of an ironic statement for BLM to put out, anyway, since for the last two months we've all watched dozens of videos of their followers Iooting and stealing from businesses without paying anyway. A boycott would end up making White owned businesses *more* money. The problem with radical leftists like BLM is that they will do anything they can to stoke division and unhappiness. It’s not really about whatever the current point of discord they are pushing is. The ultimate point is always about moving the country further to the left. That’s why it’s always about attacking America’s system or underpinnings — like holidays — because the basic principle is that until we go full-on radical, we are evil.
It would seem, although not surprisingly, that the folks at BLM have forgotten the reason we celebrate Christmas. It is not for the benefit of business owners, be they Black or White. It also doesn't surprise me that this anti-Christian organization would attack Christians at the very root of their beliefs. That is despicable but, unfortunately, expected from the likes of BLM. And, just so you know, Melina, you will have to go way beyond your personal hatred and racist behaviors if you expect to ruin my Christmas. My Holiday spirit is in no related to what can be obtained in a store. Maybe you should ask Santa for some Christian values and ethics. Or a new attitude towards other humans. Or maybe see a shrink.